Windows File Explorer will not run in elevated mode

The problem is caused by the fact that User Account Control can only elevate an application to a higher token when it is launching a new process.  It cannot elevate an existing process. Windows Explorer was not designed to follow the User Account Control Guidelines for applications that “expect” to run in both contexts: Standard user context and Administrator context.  CMD.exe utility is an example of an application designed to follow User Account Control Guidelines to be run in Standard user context and Administrator context. If you do not want to be prompted, you can change the security policy setting Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode” to “Elevate without Prompting”, recommends KB2273047.  You can also disable User Account Control (UAC). Read: How to run Explorer elevated in administrator mode.

Why does Windows File Explorer not run as administrator  - 58Why does Windows File Explorer not run as administrator  - 2